[alt-photo] Re: Sky banding - 3800 Printer
David Hatton
davidh6180483 at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 23 18:26:43 GMT 2010
I don't suppose it's your uv lamps is it?
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Marek Matusz <marekmatusz at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Amy
> bi-directional printing is is right there on the first page of my QTR. SInce I have not used Epson/Photoshop drivers for a while I looked at it and it seems that it would be a high speed option on the advanced setting page. Can anybody more familiar chime in?
> Marek
>> From: amyhgeorge at hotmail.com
>> To: alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org
>> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:57:05 -0500
>> Subject: [alt-photo] Re: Sky banding - 3800 Printer
>> Hi Marek,
>> Agreed, I wish I could figure this one out. I did just print an image of my negative on photo glossy paper instead of transparency film, but there is still no visible indication of that strange banding. I'm baffled. I've already done all the diagnostic tests through the printer driver, indicating no problems with the heads or nozzles. So, I decided to make a print of the same image using a negative that I had output on someone else's 3800—it looks perfect. I am about to print another negative on a new batch of Pictorico to see if it could be the film . . . ?
>> By the way, where would I adjust the uni/bi-directional setting on a 3800?
>> Thank you,Amy
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