[alt-photo] Re: German magazines and museums

Keith Schreiber keith at jkschreiber.com
Mon Jan 18 21:30:10 GMT 2010

Hi Chris,

I worked at CCP for almost 10 years back in the 90's. I'm sure I saw  
some of the Anderson collection during that time, though I'm afraid I  
can't say anything about it since my memory of it is a bit fuzzy. I  
do recall a good deal of interesting gum work by others though,  
including Todd Walker, Naomi Savage, Betty Hahn, Kuhn, White, Gilpin,  
and others.

Try this catalog link, though it does not look complete to me. (E.g.  
most of the Anderson material is missing, and Todd Walker is not  
listed at all which is really weird.) Catalog links for individual  
photographers should be much more comprehensive, though it used to be  
fairly easy to search by process. There are also a bunch of group  
portfolios (mostly from the 70s IIRC) that may not show up in regular  
cataloging records. Too bad the former cataloger is no longer there -  
she could probably give you a very accurate list right off the top of  
her head.

Most of the staff who I worked with way back when are retired,  
"downsized", or just moved on, but I think Cass Fey is still curator  
of education. You may have crossed paths with her at SPE over the years.

I think Denise Gose, who was my replacement, is also still there. She  
made (and hopefully still makes) some of the most stunning gum prints  
I have ever seen.

My good friend Tony Celentano volunteers in the printviewing area and  
knows the collection very well. he is a wealth of information and I  
recommend asking for him if you schedule a printviewing appointment.  
He also dabbles in several alt-processes.

And finally, if at all possible you should meet Ann Simmons-Myers  
(Sam) who was my first alt-process teacher back in '79 when she was  
one of Todd Walkers grad students. She has been head of the photo  
program at Pima College for must be going on 20 years now where she  
continues to teach an alt-process course each semester. Her own  
studio burned down several years ago and I don't think she has done  
any gum work herself in quite a while, but she used to do some  
interesting and innovative work in gum and meeting you might even  
nudge her back in that direction if they ever finish reconstruction  
of the studio.

I will help connect you with any of these folks if you want.

Writing this is actually making me a bit homesick. Yikes!



On Jan 17, 2010, at 4:07 PM, Christina Anderson wrote:

> Dear All, (sent twice because I sent the first to the old sask.  
> address)
> ...
> Anyone seen Paul Anderson's extensive gum collection at U of A in  
> Tucson?
> ...
> Chris

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