[alt-photo] Re: ?: Re: Official press release about HPlarge formatnegatives

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Thu Jul 15 22:02:50 GMT 2010

  I'm aware of that but here in Turkey, that distinction absolutely 
doesn't work; we have only 4 or 5 serious galleries (including museum 
galleries) dedicated exclusively to photography. There are very few real 
experts / critics, and much less gallery owners / curators who really 
know something about photography. Therefore almost everyone falls in the 
"public" category, making the distinction moot...


16.07.2010 00:31, BOB KISS yazmış:
> 	Another small distinction:  I was taught long ago to differentiate
> between "the public" and "your audience".  The public at large are not our
> "audience".  Our "audience" ARE specifically that 0.1% of the "public" such
> as collectors, photo enthusiasts, gallery owners.  Semantics?  Perhaps but I
> feel this is an important distinction.

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