[alt-photo] Re: greetings from SPE

Christina Anderson zphoto at montana.net
Mon Mar 8 03:06:47 GMT 2010

Unfortunately no.  While here I have 36 hours of board responsibilities so no rest for the wicked...or is it weary...No art galleries, no museums, didn't even get to go to the Mutter, though I may get to see U Arts on Tuesday.  Philly looks like it has loads to offer, though.
Christina Z. Anderson

On Mar 7, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jon Lybrook wrote:

> Thanks for the great report.  Were you (or anyone else) able to venture outside SPE and see much of the city-wide Philagraphika fine art printmaking exhibitions?  I'm going to be in Philly in early April and would be interested to hear if there are any smaller, must-see shows I should go to while there, besides the biggest ones such as at the Philadelphia Art Museum, Temple Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, etc.
> See http://www.philagrafika2010.org/
> Thanks!
> Jon

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