[alt-photo] Re: Paractitioners from WWII thru the 1970's

Keith Schreiber keith at jkschreiber.com
Fri Mar 12 05:32:04 GMT 2010

A few more  off the top of my head (and that I think fit your time criteria) to add to Chris's excellent list:

Barbara Crane
Naomi Savage
Bobbe Besold
Gail Skoff
Dean Brown
Joan Lyons
Meridel Rubenstein
Keith Smith
Melanie Walker

This is all from my sketchy memory of the CCP Collection. They have several group portfolios from the 70s that are mostly, if not entirely, alt-process work of one sort or another. Check this link for more:


On Mar 11, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Christina Anderson wrote:

> Depends on what you are terming "alt" but here are a few (please forgive misspellings--don't have time to check out names right now);  also depends if you want famous or not so famous:
> Ansel Adams (JOKE)
> Todd Walker
> Kay Kenny
> Judy Siegel
> Betty Hahn
> Bea Nettles
> Henry Holmes Smith
> Sam Wang
> Edmund Teske
> William Mortensen
> Paul Anderson
> Thomas Barrow
> Ellen Land Weber
> Scott Hyde
> Eileen Cowin
> Martha Casanave perhaps (she'd be a good one to ask)
> Robert Fichter
> Lois Conner
> James Hajicek
> Robert Heinecken
> Paul Kilmer
> John Wood
> Sheila Metzner
> Deborah Turbeville (these latter two may be past your bracket of 1945-1980)
> etc etc etc etc
> Try to buy on Abebooks The Alternative Image catalog from 1982. Some good history there.
> U of Florida was rampant alt back "in the day".
> Chris
> Christina Z. Anderson
> christinaZanderson.com

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