[alt-photo] Re: acid paper

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Tue Mar 30 15:27:50 GMT 2010

Alum-rosin sizing? A paper with rosin sizing is Weston Diploma
Parchment (pH 6.5)... (But I presume this is obvious and Alberto is
looking for else - wanted to mention anyway.)

2010/3/30 Christina Anderson <zphoto at montana.net>:
> Well, I know that Buxton is one of Ware's favorites, and Arches Platine used to be sized with a more acid size (rosapina or something?).
> But Buxton is called something like Ashton in the States, and is a bit expensive for my tastes.
> Chris
> On Mar 30, 2010, at 9:14 AM, Alberto Novo wrote:
>>> Was it Buxton or Arches Platine?
>>> Chris
>> Not these. It was about a paper proposed for iron processes, maybe signaled just from you.
>> Alberto

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