[alt-photo] Re: Epson 3800 Ink Expiration Date and Epson Driver

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Wed May 26 23:04:29 GMT 2010

Hi Amy,

I've consistently used the 3800 with Epson inks (not expired), making  
digital negatives with Pictorico, for use with pt/pd printing--with  
consistently good results--no problems.   I've also used other  
transparencies without any issues in the printing.  A few months ago,  
I did have a problem with the ink skipping, but I did a cleaning  
(which I had to do 3 times-- lots of wasted ink), which cleared up the  
problem.  That's the first time that ever happened, and I've had the  
3800 for at least 3 years.  Haven't had it happen since.


On May 26, 2010, at 5:51 PM, Amy Holmes George wrote:

> Hello alt list,
> I have two queries, and I would certainly appreciate any feedback  
> anyone can offer . . .
> First of all, I am curious to know if anyone else is using the Epson  
> 3800 (with the Epson driver) to produce digital negatives (using  
> Epson color inks) on Pictorico transparency film (particularly with  
> pt/pd printing) and rendering consistently good results AND no  
> "venetian blinds" effect.
> If so, this is my question: Are any or all of your Epson inks past  
> their "expiration" date?
> Epson tells me that, like most things these days, their inks are  
> stamped with a "freshness" date as a recommendation to use it within  
> two years of its production. However, they (Epson) actually use  
> expired inks all the time with no ill effect. Currently, I am  
> printing with several expired inks—some of which expired last fall.  
> So, now I'm wondering if there is any correlation between ink  
> freshness and venetian blinds or even UV sensitivity. Epson could  
> not address this issue, especially since I'm printing on Pictorico  
> and not an Epson media.
> Second issue: I am still struggling with the occasional recurrence  
> of venetian blinds in large fields of flat, (typically) high print  
> values. And, when I tweak the settings under Advanced Media Controls  
> in the Epson driver (as originally recommended by Epson and several  
> folks on this list), it appeared to eliminate the venetian blinds,  
> but then I experience other issues like the shadows blocking up.  
> Recently I decided to print 1 PDN Color Density Range Palette with  
> those same Advanced Media Control settings used to combat venetian  
> blinds and then printed 1 PDN Color Density Range Palette withOUT  
> the Advanced Media Control settings applied. Both were coated,  
> exposed and developed according to my standardized time for pt/pd  
> BUT the final print results are drastically different (BTW, each  
> CDRP was printed with a Stouffers 31 step-tablet which reproduced  
> the same in each). The CDRP printed with the Advanced Media Control  
> settings reveals no paper white (looks way over exposed) and there  
> is micro-banding; these differences are not detectable in the  
> negatives themselves.
> You can view the results here: http://picasaweb.google.com/103360756612857524693/VerticalBandingInSky#5475693643166130162
> Does anyone have an explanation for this?
> Sorry for my lengthy message . . .
> Many thanks,Amy Holmes George
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