[alt-photo] Re: FS: Post Factory Magazine complete

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 15 23:41:37 GMT 2011

Haha.  That's so funny.  I was waiting for somebody to reply to this.   
The "offer" seemed so outrageous, that I thought maybe it wasn't the  
stack of PF Journals I was thinking it was-- that it was, instead,  
something different-- some special limited edition, gold-edged or  
something.  Then I thought maybe it's all a joke.  I'm never sure.   
But didn't Judy's daughter post recently, saying she'd be sure anybody  
who wrote and wanted to buy a set (full set for something like $49??)  
would be sent a set.

I'm so confused, but I do like your competitive (undercutting) edge  
here, Keith.  :)


On Dec 15, 2011, at 6:18 PM, Keith Gerling wrote:

> And I'll even autograph the issue that features my work in it!
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Keith Gerling <keith.gerling at gmail.com 
> >wrote:
>> Holy Cow!  Sorry to do this to ya, buddy, but I'll take $200 for  
>> mine...
>> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Robert Hall <robert.g.hall at gmail.com 
>> >wrote:
>>> I have a second copy, complete, very good condition for sale.  
>>> Asking $250.
>>> If interested, please contact me off list.
>>> Robert (dot) G (dot) hall (@) gmail (dot) com  (it's a test :)
>>> Robert Hall
>>> www.RobertHall.com
>>> www.RobertHall.com/workshops
>>> www.facebook.com/robert.g.hall
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