[alt-photo] Re: The Art of the Photo Archive Installation Views

Erich Camerling e.camerling at tiscali.nl
Thu May 26 15:00:17 GMT 2011

Op 25-5-2011 2:28, francis schanberger schreef:
> It looks like Roger Kockaerts has created a webpage with installation views
> from last fall's exhibition, *the Art of the Photo Archive*.
> Go tohttp://www.permadocument.be/texte/YRK/RFK/RK/170%20years.html  to see
> some images.
> -francis
Dear Francis,

The book  "de kunst van het fotoarchief"  ("the art of the photo 
archive") is really worth its value in money when you can read the 
Flemish  text and want to know " all " about photographic processes from 
daguerreotype to digital photography today.There is only one weak point 
in the book in my opinion and that is the chemistry .
Example : He calls Na2PtCl*6---------------->*  NA2(PTC16)      ( 
Sodium,Argon 2x,Phosphorus,Tritium,Carbon 16 x)
                                   Pt (Platina) -------------->   
Ag2S + H2-----------> 2 Ag  +  H2O  ??     etc.
             and a least  16  errors more.
It is more than a pity that such errors are to be found in this book.For 
it is for the rest  a very interesting book  !!!

Erich Camerling

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