[alt-photo] Re: Recommendations for Replacement Printer? Input Needed!

Christina Anderson zphoto at montana.net
Sun Sep 25 23:00:10 GMT 2011

I am very unhappy with it, Francesco. Now, granted, for gum printing it works fine, or even for cyanotype or other processes. But with pt/pd I have to increase ink density dramatically, and for gelatin silver I just print at school on the 3800 and don't mess with it.

The fact that Epson is trying to save us money by creating an ink driver that lays down less ink (says so on their website or somewhere) is not doing digital negative users any good. 

But for gum and casein and cyano the negs are just fine, and the printer is quiet and very good.

I'm just a bit disgruntled because I thought I was getting more like a 3800. So don't listen to me...


Christina Z. Anderson

On Sep 25, 2011, at 4:53 PM, Francesco Fragomeni wrote:

> Chris,
> What does that mean? Are you happy about this or unhappy about it?
> Thanks!
> -Francesco
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Christina Anderson <zphoto at montana.net>wrote:
>> Amen, Bro!
>> Chris
>>> I have a 3880...So far, it appears to me that they have really changed
>> the driver with this machine.  I'm basing this on the fact that it lays down
>> much less ink when set identical to the 3800 and you can measure this with a
>> densitometer.
>>> Best Wishes,
>>> Mark Nelson
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