[alt-photo] Re: Recommendations for Replacement Printer? InputNeeded!

clay at clayharmon.com clay at clayharmon.com
Mon Sep 26 00:16:44 GMT 2011

The 3880 can be used successfully for pt/pd if you do as Mark suggests and increase the ink density or dive in and use the QTR approach and force the printer to lay down enough ink. I have successfully calibrated a handful of 3880s for workshops using QTR. and gotten density ranges exceeding 3.0. The ink profile is quite a bit different than the 3800... Short answer is that it works.  But it is not as easy to get to that point as it was with the 3800.


On Sep 25, 2011, at 5:58 PM, fdfragomeni at gmail.com wrote:

> Mark,
> So considering the improvement in the Magenta to Vivid Magenta, are you as happy with your 3880 as you were with the 3800? Are you less pleased with the 3880 because of the apparent reduction of density it lays down?
> -Francesco
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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