[alt-photo] Re: Congratulations to Sam Wang

Mark Nelson ender100 at aol.com
Thu Feb 9 16:30:59 GMT 2012

Thanks For noting that Chris!

And to Sam, a big congratulations to you!  This is a great honor and a very well deserved recognition of your photography and contribution to the arts in general!


Mark Nelson
PDNPRint Forum @ Yahoo Groups

sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy

On Feb 8, 2012, at 9:19 AM, Christina Anderson <zphoto at montana.net> wrote:

> I wanted to announce to the list that our own list member Sam Wang has just found out the South Carolina Arts Commission named Sam the 2012 recipient of the Elizabeth O'Neill Verner Award in the Artist Category! Thanks, Sam, for promoting "alt" as you have over these many years. No more details than that at the moment (e.g. when the award ceremony is, etc.).
> Chris
> Christina Z. Anderson
> christinaZanderson.com
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