[alt-photo] Re: New Cyanotype formula

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Sun Jan 15 22:24:11 GMT 2012


Additionally, new cyanotype's dMax is considerably stronger than what
you can get with traditional cyanotype. Something to consider - can be
taken as an advantage or disadvantage, depending on your workflow and
needs. (I personally prefer the trad. formula for tricolors, I find
new cyanotype too strong for this purpose.) My advice would be; try
both and see it for yourself.


2012/1/16 Kurt Nagy <kakarott76 at hotmail.com>:
> Quick question for people that do gum over cyanotype or use it as their cyan layer.  Do you use the new or old formula.  Have
> you ever noticed a huge difference if you've tried both?

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