Paul Viapiano viapiano at pacbell.net
Thu Jun 7 14:20:35 GMT 2012

I usually coat and expose within an hour time span. 

On Jun 7, 2012, at 7:16 AM, Mark Nelson <ender100 at aol.com> wrote:

> Yes. 
> No. 
> Mark Nelson
> www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.com
> PDNPRint Forum @ Yahoo Groups
> www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com
> sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy
> On Jun 7, 2012, at 10:01 AM, "BOB KISS" <bobkiss at caribsurf.com> wrote:
>>           My usual procedure which, I believe, confirms to the practice
>> described in most of the books and other practitioners, is to coat my PT/PD
>> DOP paper, dry it, re-humidify it and then print immediately.  What
>> sometimes happens is that my workflow is interrupted and I either expose &
>> dev the paper later that day or even the next day.
>>           QUESTIONS:
>> 1)    Have any of you found a significant change in speed, contrast, d-max,
>> etc from delaying between coating and printing?
>> 2)    Do any of you purposefully and regularly pre-coat paper then use it
>> the next day or days later?
>> I remember when I first started I used that pre-made paper (by Sura
>> Steinberg and her hub) and that must have been at least
>> weeks old between coating and my printing with it.
>>           Anywho, any thoughts on this?  Just curious, not critical.
>>                       CHEERS!
>>                                   BOB
>> Please check my website:  <http://www.bobkiss.com/> http://www.bobkiss.com/
>> "Live as if you are going to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you are going to
>> live forever".  Mahatma Gandhi
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