[alt-photo] Re: Glycerine Developer

G Schmitz coldbay1 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 02:53:33 GMT 2012

Hmmm, oops, I meant Silicon not Silicone.  Big difference.  --greg

On 3/21/12 6:49 PM, G Schmitz wrote:
> Dave,
> You wrote: "Maybe I was wrong about the availability (I was probably 
> thinking of something else). It seems like you can still buy glycin 
> from Photographers Formulary or even from Amazon. "
> hehe you've got to get out more :) Seriously though, I know the 
> feeling.  Sometimes it seems that anything not made out of silicone 
> has become unavailable.
> --greg

==rest deleted: snip 8<

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