[alt-photo] Woodburytype Press was:RE: Re: Dichromated Gelatin Formula

C.Breukel at lumc.nl C.Breukel at lumc.nl
Mon Sep 24 09:01:16 GMT 2012

I seem to recall a post by somebody from Australia (?), long time ago  who found a abandoned Woodbury press, and I even found it back (so my memory is not dim yet..;-)..)


(may load slow)



> -----Original Message-----
> From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org [mailto:alt-
> photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On Behalf Of etienne
> garbaux
> Sent: zondag 23 september 2012 22:25
> To: The alternative photographic processes mailing list
> Subject: [alt-photo] Re: Dichromated Gelatin Formula
> Gord wrote:
> >Could using different more malleable metal than lead support an
> >easier way of making Woodburytypes?  Aluminum is more
> >malleable.  Could a stack of aluminium foil work?
> Woodbury used tin foil for the related stannotype process, and also
> experimented with plating the gelatin (today, one might use
> electroless nickel plating).  But again, the lack of extreme pressure
> used in making the molds made them very different in appearance from
> Woodburytypes.  Where Woodburytypes have very smooth tonal gradation
> due to the extreme pressure, stannotypes and all of the modern
> attempts to simulate Woodburytypes with casting processes yield very
> much noisier tonal gradation -- the opposite of a Woodburytype.  The
> Eastman House had a few stannotypes in the archives, but since the
> process never caught on commercially they are very rare.
> (A related phenomenon plagued all attempts to reproduce vinyl records
> with optical sensors.  The diamond stylus of a mechanical pickup does
> not play the surface of the groove -- rather, it "swims" through tens
> of micrometers of the vinyl under the enormous pressure on the
> diamond contact points, so the defects on the groove surface are
> attenuated.)
> Best regards,
> etienne
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