[Alt-photo] Albumen Gold Toning

Kurt Nagy kakarott76 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 2 00:19:05 UTC 2013

Hey all, 

I picked up a Albumen kit from Bostick and Sullivan not long ago and was going to try making a print tonight.  In the kit it has 250ml of Ammonium Thiocyanate (2%) and 250 ml Gold Chloride (.2%) but the documentation does not list the mixing formula for a working solution.  Their website only mentions that the kit includes a "250ml part A and B Thiocyanate gold toner.

My initial guess (99% sure) would be its an equal part A/B mix but looking online I found this


Diluting should only weaken the toner which would require a longer toning time frame correct?  A second question would be, is the gold toner a 1 shot or can it be reused until exhausted?



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