[Alt-photo] Re: Color laser Printer

Christian Nze christnze at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 22:05:01 UTC 2013

for sure you can do some but it won't have the good definition as inkjet.
few laser have a 1200dpi. All these will depend on the process you use. It
may be interesting to use laser for gum printing as it will make the
process easier.  but for all the ther you will get a  screen mark on the

2013/12/5 Un Globe Trotteur <unglobetrotteur at hotmail.com>

> has anybody tried to create digital negatives with a color laser printer
> instead of an inkjet.
> I was thinking about trying but did not want to waste my money buying
> color laser paper if someone else already tried.
> thanks.
> Pierre-Olivier
> http://www.PierreOlivierTavernier.com
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