[Alt-photo] Re: Longevity of Pt/Pl chemistry after being mixed?

Eric Nelson emanphoto at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 08:54:42 UTC 2013

The metals should last indefinitely but the FO goes off after 6 months or so. I remember this from when I used to buy premixed FO many years ago

On Dec 9, 2013, at 11:39 AM, Francesco Fragomeni <fdfragomeni at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just a quick question here. Will platinum, palladium, and the ferric
> oxalate degrade if they are mixed into coating solutions and then stored?
> I'm thinking about an experiment in which a larger than usual amount of a
> coating solution will be mixed and will need to be stored but I don't want
> to waste time and money on this if the mixed solutions wont last. Basically
> paper will be floated on the solutions which is why larger amounts need to
> be mixed and then stored in between printing sessions.
> Any insight? Will there be any issues with mixed solutions being stored?
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