[Alt-photo] Re: Brushing gelatin on paper

Luciano Teghillo luciano at lucianoteghillo.com
Sun Dec 15 20:06:17 UTC 2013

That sound encouraging :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org
[mailto:alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On Behalf Of
Christina Anderson
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:58 PM
To: alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org
Subject: [Alt-photo] Re: Brushing gelatin on paper

That is exactly how I do it, Luciano.
If I am doing pieces 11x14 I do tray size (which is a mess) but usually I
gelatin size 16x20 with the brush. I do mix my hardener in with the gelatin.

Christina Z. Anderson

On Dec 15, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Luciano Teghillo wrote:

> Chris,
> Thanks very much for the suggestions. I have sized only a small batch 
> so I will harden it as is and try. For the next round I will use only one
> My question is: how do you coat the gelatin? I dip a foam brush in the 
> gelatin, and put a fair amount on the paper, then I smooth it using 
> horizontal, vertical and diagonal strokes, charging the brush as needed.
> The whole operation lasts just under or slightly more than a minute on 
> an A4 sheet, and when I am done there is no gelatin dripping. 
> Basically I use the same technique used for coating the pigmented 
> gum/dichromate but a lot more relaxed :-)
> Luciano
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org
> [mailto:alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On 
> Behalf Of Christina Anderson
> Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:36 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org
> Subject: [Alt-photo] Re: Brushing gelatin on paper
> Luciano,
> Do NOT throw that paper. You did not size incorrectly. And, even if 
> you did use too little sizing as you may think, you can always use one 
> more coating if desired. However, I think two coatings errs on too much
> Yellowing can definitely be from too much gelatin as Loris says. It 
> can also be from certain hardeners on alkaline paper.
> I cannot see my gelatin sizing once it is soaked into the paper. It is 
> very hard to see. I have to actually label which side I size to see it.
> Sometimes I can see a bead of glossy gelatin along the edge of the paper.
> I do not use two coats of gelatin when I size, only one. Otherwise it 
> can get too slick and flaking can occur, but some do use two coats.
> I have also been using Gamblin PVA sizing 1+2 water on Fabriano 
> Artistico Extra White and it does adequately well. That, too, is very 
> hard to see on the paper, although it is easier to feel it. It feels a 
> bit smooth and acrylic-y.
> Chris
>> Since I have already wasted and entire set of Fabriano Artistico that 
>> I presume I sized incorrectly, I want to make sure this time I do it 
>> correctly.
>> Maybe is something totally unrelated to sizing. Maybe I should harden 
>> the gelatin before making a comparison.
>> I  tried to scan the paper samples (mine and those used as a
>> comparison) it's useless. You can only see the paper ridges and 
>> valleys, but nothing else.
>> I have posted however two images on a previous test I did. The only 
>> thing different between the two tests is the paper. Everything else 
>> is the same, done on the same day, developed for the same time, etc.
>> - http://www.lucianoteghillo.com/images/test01.jpg - This paper was 
>> sized by someone else.
>> - http://www.lucianoteghillo.com/images/test02.jpg - This is the 
>> paper I sized on a previous batch.
>> Feeling frustrated....
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Luciano
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