[alt-photo] Re: taking a scalpel to little pt/pd spots

Roger Kockaerts atelier.ph7 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 22:17:48 GMT 2013

Dear Diana,
There is absolutely no problem using a scalpel to remove those tiny black
spots. All you have tot do is to touch the paper very lightly with the
point of your scalpel and there is much chance that you will not even have
to spot afterwards. I recommend that you use magnification to do so.
Best of luck.
Warm greetings from Brussels

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 9:59 PM, clay harmon's personal website email
account <clay at clayharmon.com> wrote:

> There is a clever trick that was on the list a few years back here:
> http://www.usask.ca/lists/alt-photo-process/2004/feb04/0711.htm
> PLEASE note the safety instructions in regard to the chlorine gas
> liberated with this technique.  Be very careful and do only if you have the
> proper ventilation and technical know-how
> On Feb 17, 2013, at 3:43 PM, Diana Bloomfield <dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net>
> wrote:
> > One quick question here.  You know when you get those little black spots
> on pt/pd prints-- typically in sky areas?  Well, is there anyone who
> actually takes a razor blade or scalpel and carefully excises those-- and
> then spot, I guess?  I'm curious if that's really a thing people do (can
> do), and-- if so-- any pointers?  I have a photography friend who has taken
> up pt/pd printing.  So he asked me about spotting-- but also about those
> potential little black spots.  This guy is a surgeon (micro stuff), so I
> told him I was sure he would have no problem taking a fine scalpel and
> cutting into those.
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