[alt-photo] Re: Mailman got the job done now alt groups/Judy

Jacques Kevers jacqueskv at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 22:53:09 GMT 2013

I definitely second this. Webgroups are great, but there is nothing like
face to face meeting...

2013/2/26 Alberto Novo <alt.list at albertonovo.it>

> I definitely encourage anyone interested in alt-processes to form a real
> (= non-virtual) group, which meets regularly to share personal experiences
> without hesitation. I live with mine Rodolfo Namias Group (this you already
> know, Chris;-) ), and I can confirm that nothing is as educational as to
> see and touch the works of the members, and help solving -whenever
> possible- other's problems. Not to mention the genuine friendships that
> born and unite the members, which are in first place.
> Alberto
> www.facebook.com/alberto.novo.**1 <http://www.facebook.com/alberto.novo.1>
> www.grupponamias.com
> www.alternativephotography.**com/wp/photographers/rodolfo-**namias-group<http://www.alternativephotography.com/wp/photographers/rodolfo-namias-group>
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