[alt-photo] Re: Another quick question - paper negatives

Paul Viapiano viapiano at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 6 17:40:48 GMT 2013

I use Strathmore Layout @ 16lb...inexpensive, prints well with inks, no waxing required, even looks pretty great without a curve. 

On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Henry Rattle <henry.rattle at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Thinking of trying paper negatives, to see how results differ from my usual
> PDN'd transparencies. I have a problem in that all the plain paper I can lay
> my hands on contains brighteners which fluoresce under UV light and
> effectively render the paper opaque to UV.
> What kind of paper do people use for paper negs?
> Best wishes
> Henry
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