[Alt-photo] Re: Was Sulfamic Argyrotype and toning

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Thu May 16 06:26:25 UTC 2013

Hi Sandy,

Glycerin gives a hue shift from a yellowish brown to a redder brown. I add
about 1ml into 100ml "stock" solution...

BTW, I have to correct myself, because I finally managed to get an
uniformly colored (no split) gold toned Argyrotype yesterday evening.
(Still with diluted toner) But that was with a different (new) paper and
(most importantly) different sensitizer dilution(*).

(*) More about this later...


2013/5/16 Sandy King <sanking at clemson.edu>
> Hi Loris,
> I do not use glycerin with either vandyke or argyrotype. Why do you use
> Agree about the stability of the gold toner. I would not trust it either
if over 3 months old.
> Sandy
> On May 15, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Loris Medici wrote:
> > Hi Sandy, I agree for Vandykes (same results here, since the beginning),
> > but I yet have to manage to get fully blue-black (from highlights to
> > shadows) gold toned prints with Argyrotype, the deepest shadows remain
> > slightly warm against the mid tones and highlights... Perhaps it due the
> > addition of glycerin to the stock solution, do you add glycerin?
> >
> > The shelf life / stability of the toner is good but can't be considered
> > stable; I haven't used toner older than 3 months, I mix 1000-2000ml
> > batches... I do it that way since I saw gold deposits on the sides of
> > bottle that was sitting around 5-6 months. (Maybe it started to deposit
> > earlier - I can't be sure, it was waiting my attention in the closet...)
> > OTOH, my gold salt is different than what you all use; I don't have
> > to straight gold chloride (can't buy it locally) therefore I use locally
> > avaiable potassium tetrachloroaurate.

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