[Alt-photo] Re: Katharine Thayer Exhibit in Astoria, Oregon

Kees Brandenburg workshops at polychrome.nl
Sat May 25 07:46:31 UTC 2013

I used this method for many many years with my workshop participants. I just asked them to take some good black and white RC paper prints and we contacted them on ortho film. Very easy, same time for all copies! Had to change this procedure when people mistakenly took inkjet print in stead of 'real' print. Now all workshop negatives are digital.


On 25 mei 2013, at 09:40, Hans & Chia <chiahans at pictoform.nu> wrote:

> Hi
> Sorry for my short explanation.
> Yes, I mean silver gelatin print on RC paper. I found it much easier to control the dodging/burning on a photographic paper than on a film. When the print was ok I made a contact print on a piece of film.
> Since may years I make digital negatives.
> Chia

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