[Alt-photo] Re: Papers for Palladium

Doug Taylor dougtaylor13 at mac.com
Tue Nov 5 18:02:16 UTC 2013

Hi Diana,

Appreciate you sharing your clearing technique.
My current clearing technique may be overkill, not sure, as it was an approach I had read a while ago. But definitely going to give you approach a try, as it's simpler and cheaper! I'm all for simple and saving money if it works.

Thanks again for sharing, Doug

On Nov 5, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Diana Bloomfield wrote:

Hi Doug,

I use only water and citric acid/water for clearing baths.  I do a running wash at the end as well.  For Revere, that seems to work fine for me.  I hate to keep harping on COT320, because Bob likes it and obviously has no problem-- and I'm sure other people do as well-- but that is the one paper that I had a heck of a time clearing.  Maybe it's my water over here.  But with both Arches and with the Revere, water baths and citric acid/water baths seem to be fine for clearing.  But I'm sure what you're doing now would work as well-- seems a little overkill-- but if it works for you . . .  :)


> Hi Diana,
> As I mentioned earlier, I've been using Fabriano Artistico EW Hot Press to print pt/pd, and I was acidifying with Oxalic acid prior to coating and printing.
> You mentioned using Arches, COT320, and Revere without acidifying these papers. I have the Revere which I am going to use shortly.
> Wonder what your clearing process is with these papers, after development?
> With the Fabriano, after development, I let the print sit in a tray of water for 5 minutes, and then 3 successive baths of 5 minutes each; 1) 2% citric acid 2) Kodak hypo clear with a TBS of EDTA Tetrasodium per liter, 3) another tray of Kodak hypo clear with EDTA, and finally a wash in running water for 20 minutes.
> Would this clearing process work with the Revere paper or do you prefer another process?
> Thanks, Doug

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