bobkiss @caribsurf.com bobkiss at caribsurf.com
Mon Oct 21 10:34:35 UTC 2013

     I was hoping you were there!  I am sorry I couldn't attend and see
your presentation.  Maybe some day I will get to Santa Fe.
     Thanks for your kind words.  Making the video was a bit of work and,
once one has worked on something, one can no longer clearly see if it is
good or not.  I am really happy people liked it.

On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Christina Z. Anderson <
christinazanderson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Bob,
> I was there and your uranotype presentation was STELLAR.
> First of all, the DVD was professionally done, answered all questions, and
> gave all an idea of your darkroom space, your working procedure, how
> careful you are to be mindful of the chemistry, and exactly how you make a
> uranotype. The audience was entranced with your presentation and you could
> have heard a pin drop.
> Second, your wonderful and quirky sense of humor made the presentation!
>  It was fun to see you in person but also just everything about it was
> tiptop and the shots of where you live, beach scenes, bobbling boats, made
> all of us want to visit you so beware.
> There were about 40 people at APIS watching your presentation. I had to
> run out and get my dongle from my car for the next presentation so I missed
> the live streaming/Skype where questions were asked/answered which was a
> bummer but at least I got to see you speak.
> We all examined your uranotype prints which was also a real boon to being
> there at APIS.
> So great job and glad to meet you even if only a semi-one-way street!
> Chris
> On Oct 20, 2013, at 5:33 PM, bobkiss @caribsurf.com <bobkiss at caribsurf.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >     Did anyone from the list attend APIS this year?  I didn't have enough
> > time to ask after my video presentation on Uranotypes was show if anyone
> > was there from the list.  I would have liked to meet and chat a bit.
> >     It looked like a really interesting and diverse set of presentations.
> >
> >                     CHEERS!
> >                             BOB
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