[Alt-photo] 1st attempt

Laura V laura at lavatop.com
Wed Oct 23 01:38:58 UTC 2013

Actually, it's the 2nd attempt, the first one peeled right off the paper 
and washed away. It felt like the gum was thicker and stickier than I 
remembered using before, it was like honey, so I thinned it out to more 
of the consistency of maple syrup. I also increased the exposure a bit 
for good measure. This stuck to the paper much better, and the exposure 
seems right, but you can see there is still some peeling at the top in 
the sky. Has anyone had this problem? How do you like your gum  mixture, 
thick or thin?

The other problem I'm having is that the light source (my mercury vapor 
bulb that I put inside the vacuum press) is much closer to the glass 
that I had hoped...it is only about 20 cm away. So I guess that explains 
why the image gets whiter on the sides. I'll have to figure something 
out with the lighting.



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