[Alt-photo] Re: Exhibition in Bolzano (Italy)

Jacques Kevers jacqueskv at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 22:52:51 UTC 2013

I wish your group every success!
As Bert said, we're rather far away, and I have several other commitments
here around that time...
Our group Picto Benelux just started a project that should result in a big
exhibition, probably by the end of 2014 or the beginning of 2015.
We should think about possible ways for cooperation on joint projects for
our groups some day...
Best regards,

2013/9/17 Alberto Novo <alt.list at albertonovo.it>

> Hi all,
> 114 prints for 22 members of Rodolfo Namias Group are exhibited at
> Foto-forum Gallery in Bolzano (Italy) till October 19th.
> For info (in Italian and German): http://s472324213.online.de/**ff/<http://s472324213.online.de/ff/>
> Alberto
> www.facebook.com/alberto.novo.**1 <http://www.facebook.com/alberto.novo.1>
> www.grupponamias.com
> www.alternativephotography.**com/wp/photographers/rodolfo-**namias-group<http://www.alternativephotography.com/wp/photographers/rodolfo-namias-group>
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