Re: Re: Re: Carbon Printing UV/Cool White

William Laven (
08 Jan 1996 22:23:09 GMT

oops. I meant reports on many different bulbs, daylight bulbs chief among
them, not cool whites. Nonetheless, the point still stands that the
favoritism to BL tubes which permeates many texts, teachings, tutorials and
other t-things etc., seems off the mark. Clealry something is going on in the
400's nm range which makes bulbs burning there quite credible with certain
processes. Lest we forget, though, in all of these tests, that other
variables factor in: age of the bulb, true output of the ballasts, distance
of the bulb surface to the sensitized material, developers, etc etc. Unless
those many variables become constants, nothing will be certain, but, still,
much will be interesting, if not entertaining. By the way, the Phillips TLK
40W bulbs which I use (24") are called 40W, but buried deep in the literature
is that they are actually desinged to be used with high-output ballasts which
run at 65W, thus upping thier power considerably. Their estimated burn time,
interestingly, is based on running at 65W, not 40W. I wonder whether other
bulbs are also being under-powered.

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