Re: Kentmere SW-ART--was Bromoil

Peter charles fredrick (
Tue, 23 Jan 1996 22:59:00 +0100

>al reaction does not take place in these
>areas and the final print looks speckled in the mid-tones and
>highlights. It is unfortunate for carbro workers that the surface has
>this texture pattern because in other respects Luminos SW-ART works
>beautifully with the process.
>Sandy King


Kentmere also do a non-supercoated etch/bleach paper which has a smooth
surface with a very slight texture nothing like the Art, and a thick rich
gelatin layer that might be more suitable for carbro, the only problem is
it is rather contrasty. I have used it for bromoil, apart from being a bit
punchy it worked fine.Anyway its worth a try, the chap to get hold of is
Graham King who,is most helpfull :--- and can be contacted at
ntmere Ltd,Stavely,Kendal,Cumbria,La8 9pb
Tel 01539 821365 Fax 01539 821399 no e:mail address as yet.
