collotype process (was: Re: photogravures)

Stefan Stecher (
Wed, 24 Jan 1996 19:16:32 +0100 (MET)

Hello Jim

Thanks for reply!

On Thu, 25 Jan 1996 wrote:

> The term "Lichtdruck" means "light struck" and refers to the Collotype
> process. It was the term used for plates printed in Germany/Austria.
> If anyone is interested in this process I can provide more information as I
> have been printing collotype for about 15 years.

Of course! (Or it s me at least who is VERY interested :-)) )

The collotype process sounds less troublesome compared to photogravure
(less processing stepps) so I would like to try it. But what about the

Do collotypes show a visible grain like allways happens with oil printing
or is it nearly grainless like fine gravures ?

What about the graduation? Do you get deep blacks and good high light

I read that there are two versions: the >amateur version< and the
>professional< one were drying conditions of sensitized emulsion are very
important to produce the typical surface structure of the plate,
important for successfull printing.
And it is saied that inking is easier than with oil printing and more
>mechanical<. Is it true?

More and more question...would be nice to hear anything about your technique

