Re: graduate programs (was collotype, photogravure)

Keith Schreiber (
Wed, 07 Feb 1996 23:12:21 -0700 (MST)

On 8 Feb 96 MANN wrote:

> dear all,
> pperhaps i have missed a recent disscussion on this topic, but i am
> wondering if anyone can suggest some reputable graduate schools
> anywhere in the world that offer facilities to students doing collotype
> and/ or photogravure. i recieved my undergraduate degree from arizona
> state university(where i learned these processes) and am searching for a
> good place to continue on in graduate school. any positive/negatives
> about certain school would be mighty helpful either through private
> email or on the list.
> thanks in advance,
> john

A good question and I too would be interested in any information on
this topic pertaining to alternative processes in general for myself
as well as for those unfortunate students who come to the University
of Arizona assuming that the Center for Creative Photography is the
photography program in the art department. Sad to say we have no
direct connection to them and I can attest from first hand
experience that said program is sorely lacking for those whose
interests lie in actually making photographs. Perhaps I should be
careful what I say lest someone from over there lurks on this list.
That said I would like to add that the printmaking program is
excellent. But John, how about your alma mater ASU?
I do know that there are some regular contributers to this list who
teach at universities but I don't know if they have graduate
programs. Comments?????

Keith Schreiber
Rights and Reproductions
Center for Creative Photography
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Fon: 520-621-7968
Fax: 520-621-9444
