Copy of: Re: Continuous Tone Film

16 Feb 96 08:54:50 EST

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From: TERRY KING, 101522,2625
TO: Multiple Recipients,
DATE: 15/02/96 20:09

RE: Copy of: Re: Continuous Tone Film

TO: Eugene Kowaluk,

Re: Re: Continuous Tone Film


It seems that your name, being the last on the subscribers list, got left behind
and popped up in the middle of the next operatio. It seems that you were the
ghost in the machine.

But can I ask you questions about film seeing as you live in Rochester. The best
large films I know for alternative processes are Sep Neg 2 and Gravure Positive.
We seem to be only able to get GP in 10 x 8 now, and Sep Neg, ideal as a large
format film for platinum, is now very expensive. Our last box of the big stuff
cost over six hundred pounds. What ideas do you have as a substitute. Currently
I am working with some Dupont CCN 7 16 x 12 (use before August 1980) which
gives beautiful results with careful exposure and development, and Typon graphic
arts film which is heavy estar base and continuous tone and still in production,
but only just.

What other continuous tone films are available? I develop lith or line film in
PQ Universal at 1 : 20 which gives continuous tone but not with the quality of
the real thing
