> >I think we on the list should try not to make negative comments,particularly
> when responding to a request for help,as far as I can see this type of
> criticism serves no purpose,and only causes bad feeling.
> I agree. I for one prefer to read technical and exploratory
> information related to the topic. If I want to read person to persons bashing
> I'll hang out on chat.
..............From my California end too, I'd like to say that many of
the comments have been mean spirited. Some person aks for info of books
and many folks believe they will be "ripped off" The same thing happened
when I requested people's slides of their work to show to our students.
Anger rose and vidictive comments about spurious motives flew like Thor's
thunderbolts. To those who did send slides, we are most happy and the
work is being copied and sent back. It is truly immature and
non-informative and is in fact sort of non egalitarian bordering on
domination in a classic patriarchal manner.
***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***