As I implied in the posting the final cost of the workshop has not been fixed as
yet but it is very unlikely that it will be more than $200 or.L150 including
materials. We will be holding it at Kentish Town, about half way between the
West End and Hampstead Heath, from 22 to 26 July, ie Monday to Friday from 1000
to 1600. The Kentish Town 'campus' of Kingsway College
is fairly close to the famous Camden Lock market.
We will be working from FP4 positives, Gravure Positive costing twice as much,
onto Autotype carbon tissue,(I understand that they are to sell this again in
retail quantities); using resin dusting for the acquatint onto etching grade
copper and using ferric chloride as the mordant in a single bath. This method,
which I have been trying to perfect for a number of years, produces results that
led to those on the course to prance around as if they had just done it for the
first time. They had ! We can get results comparable in tone and gradation to
those of a platinum/palladium print.
I am happy to give workshops anywhere-- when two or three people are gathered
together-- I really enjoy meeting new people and spreading the word, if there is
demand and there are the right facilities.
When the college has confirmed the price I will let you know. If this course
sells out I will arrange another one in the week before or after.
Terry King