dz Clarified ... and it ain't butter

Donna Zoll (
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 00:30:47 -0500

Forgive the posting of this non-related material, but I felt that I should
clarify who _He said, She said_. I do not want to take credit nor hide from
responsibility for things I have said. It was my intent to send Jack Fulton
my _Money Grubbing_ comment and save the others from my unrelated comments.
My intent is not to offend but to be honest.


* find posts redeaming quality

To: /mail/ai/ai353 Msg #: 3923 Size: 678/17
From: (Peter charles fredrick) On: 02/16/96 13:22
Header: 234/1
Subject: Re: Books on cyanotype/Copyrights?
To: Multiple recipients of list <>

> did I mean to inspire the negative comments that seem to be
>flying at me about my lack of knowledge of available books.

>given this wonderful opportunity to lecture on a subject I love to explore in
>my own work. BUT, I do not ,in any way, think that my work qualifies as the
>greatest examples of these processes.

>that what this is all about? I'm sorry for those who took offense but I was
>just looking for information from others who might know more.

I think we on the list should try not to make negative comments,particularly
when responding to a request for help,as far as I can see this type of
criticism serves no purpose,and only causes bad feeling.


ge of available books.

>given this wonderful opportunity to lecture on a subject I love to explore in
>my own work. BUT, I do not ,in any way, think that my work qualifies as the
>greatest examples of these processes.

>that what this is all about? I'm sorry for those who took offense but I was
>just looking for information from others who might know more.

I think we on the list should try not to make negative comments,particularly
when responding to a request for help,as far as I can see this type of
criticism serves no purpose,and only causes bad feeling.


To: /mail/ai/ai353 Msg #: 3932 Size: 419/13
From: ai353 (Donna Zoll) On: 02/16/96 14:01
Header: 205/1
Subject: Staying on topic
To: Multiple recipients of list <>

>I think we on the list should try not to make negative comments,particularly
when responding to a request for help,as far as I can see this type of
criticism serves no purpose,and only causes bad feeling.


I agree. I for one prefer to read technical and exploratory
information related to the topic. If I want to read person to persons bashing
I'll hang out on chat.


To: /mail/ai/ai353 Msg #: 4017 Size: 1102/22
From: (Jack Fulton) On: 02/17/96 09:13
Header: 208/1
Subject: Re: Staying on topic
To: Multiple recipients of list <>

On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, Donna Zoll wrote:

> >I think we on the list should try not to make negative comments,particularly
> when responding to a request for help,as far as I can see this type of
> criticism serves no purpose,and only causes bad feeling.
> I agree. I for one prefer to read technical and exploratory
> information related to the topic. If I want to read person to persons

.............From my California end too, I'd like to say that many of
the comments have been mean spirited. Some person aks for info of books
and many folks believe they will be "ripped off" The same thing happened
when I requested people's slides of their work to show to our students.
Anger rose and vidictive comments about spurious motives flew like Thor's
thunderbolts. To those who did send slides, we are most happy and the
work is being copied and sent back. It is truly immature and
non-informative and is in fact sort of non egalitarian bordering on
domination in a classic patriarchal manner.

***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***

To: /mail/ai/ai353 Msg #: 4073 Size: 546/12
From: ai353 (Donna Zoll) On: 02/17/96 13:25
Header: 209/1
Subject: Re: Staying on topic
To: Multiple recipients of list <>

I refrain from sending this to the alt-photo-process due to the fact that it
has no baring on the purpose of the service.

Seems the "One World Order" is MONEY! Mnay people won't do anything for
anybody unless they are getting paid for it. In the case of the books and the
slides the money grubbers neglect to consider that by exposing their books or
images to others they could potentially make sales or at least influence or
assist in the nurturing of exploring minds. Jewel of a society we maintain.

thank you for your comments.


* You found it! So ... does anyone have a recipe for liquid light? (attempt
to change topic to something constructive.)
