In France you can get the same gelatin that Kodak uses. It is made by
Systhme Bio Industrie. They are on the cutting edge of that technology.
What is so special about this gelatin is that you can expect to have always
the same quality from batch to batch, and they care about archival quality.
To be more specific, it is not made for cooking:-) I know that Marc Bruhat
uses it for the UltraStable.
There is a little draw back, the minimum you can order is 25Kg;-) The way
to go is to split the order between interested people. The address is:
Systeme Bio-Industries
Division gelatines et specialites
4 Place des Ailes
92641 Boulogne Cedex
Tel: +33-1-47122661
Fax: +33-1-47122512
Guy de Riencourt
Paris, France