Re: Famous paper tests.

Luis Nadeau (
Sat, 24 Feb 1996 22:13:22 +0300

>Which would be most unfortunate. Hopefully, though , a couple months
>of testing will be followed by many more of making pictures. Much of
>the current literature is still out of date on the subject of papers.
>Even the new edition of Luis Nadeau's History & Practice of Platinum
>Printing still mentions a paper from Fabriano called Perusia which a
>near as I have been able to ascertain has not been available on this
>side of the Atlantic for at least 10 years. (Luis never responded to
>my inquiry about this a couple months ago.)

Funny, I thought I did. I probably thought about it for a while and never
got around to type the answer I had formulated in my head. True enough, I
have not heard of Perusia for a good while.

BTW folks, while I do speed-read all direct mail addressed to me, I just
can't find enough time to answer everything properly. If you get no answer
you are entitled to harrass me and guiltrip me one more time on any given

There are many questions I see here that I could answer easily. I always
hope that someone else will do it, but a lot of people are doing what I am
doing! The problem is that there are just twenty some hours in a day, and I
already work most of those all year around. One of my books is 6 years
behind schedule and I do have to "waste" a lot of time on lucrative
projects to save my bacon, if you know what I mean;-) This, like most of my
books, is a pure subsidy from my part, but I do it because I love it.

Luis Nadeau