Re: heliog Dujarding Was: Re: Pronounciation/Niepce

Steve Avery ((no email))
Mon, 26 Feb 1996 10:29:10 +1100

Hi all,
Looks like Luis' email address has changed again :-) This one


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>Brian Coe used the same portrait of Niepce on p15 of his *Birth of
>Photography* (Ash & Grant, London, 1976). Since Brian was Curator of the
>Kodak Museum in London at the time, chances are the origin of the portrait
>will be found somewhere in the bowels of that organisation. Interestingly,
>the reproduction that I have is inscribed *Heliog. Dujardin*, implying that
>it was originally a photomechanical reproduction?. No date is attributed.

No. It implies that what you have is a h=E9liogravure made by Dujardin. The
original could have been anything, which may or may not be obvious in your

Luis Nadeau

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