Re: Manual Hate Session

Henk Thijs (
Mon, 26 Feb 1996 11:58:32 GMT

Terry wrote:
>I wondered if those on the list might like the cathartic experience of letting
>us know what they hate most about instruction books they have known.

............might like the c a t h a r t i c experi.................

My problem is the use of 'difficult' words in the text as such.
In my own language it is irritating enough to see the usage of unnecessary
unusual words.
Like the word 'cathartic'. In the -small- English-Dutch dictionary it is not
mentioned at all; in the -a little bit bigger- English Dictionary I found :
c a t h a r t i c :
1. p u r g i n g -n . A medicine that purges. When I look now in my Dutch
dictionary again , there is explained that a political 'cleaning' operation is
a purge and ... maybe some kind of babyshit ?

Hi Terry, is it this what you meant :-)