Re: Problems printing Palladium

Pollmeier Klaus (
01 Mar 96 05:03:05 EST

Al Strauss wrote:
<An ordinary (suitable for silver) negative prints nicely but flat, so I have
made a contrasty negative at the recommended density of around 2.1 for
highlights, 1.2 for mid-tones. If I expose this negative for an adequate time to
get some detail in the highlights I grossly overexpose the shadows.>

Your negs are much too contrasty. Print a greyscale and you'll see what contrast
you need.

<Also. I have tried mixing palladium 50/50 with platinum, and I do not see any
difference between this and pure palladium. The color, D-max and tonal range
appear to be the same.>

Even small amounts of palladium will give a much more sepia-like or brown image
tone. Contrast should not be the same, it increases with the platinum content.
The most neutral tone I got was with the printing-out process and straight
