The Alt Photo Review

Peter Marshall (
Sat, 2 Mar 96 18:52 GMT

Latest issue of APR came through my door today. Note the change in name -
though still APR.

'The Alt Photo Review', a quarterly published by
Altpress, 1 Mabbotts Yard, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2TD, UK
- overseas sub 16 UK pounds per annum by sterling bankers draft,
- UK 10 pounds.

No doubt subscribers in the US will receive their copy as soon as Keith
Dugdale has rowed across with it.

I understand that the publicity I have given this magazine on the net has
not always been entirely welcome, so I won't say much about this issue.
There are one or two things of interest. There are several contributions
from people on the list. Perhaps the most intriguing item in the issue is a
short contribution by Charles Lewis entitled 'I knew Heinrich Kuhn'.
