Pd/Pa Printing

TERRY KING (101522.2625@compuserve.com)
04 Mar 96 04:27:21 EST


2.2 Negatives for palladium printing.

My own experience is that if your 2.1 negative has a straight line and a
density range of 2.1 you should be able to print it well with good detail in the
highlights and in the shadows.

Try reducing the amount of platinum. Remember that the paper should receive
additional size, 1% deionised ossein, and should be humidified before exposure
so that the palladium prints black, not brown. Just keeping the print in a
cupboard with a tray of warm water for half an hour should do the trick. If you
allow the palladium to print brown a very pleasing effect with black shadows and
pale brown
highlights can be obtained.
