Sizing gum and substrates

05 Mar 96 19:58:04 EST


I do not understand why Judy thought anybody would take three days to size the

I do not understand why it takes three days to dry the sized paper.

I do not understand why a substrate is thought to be needed to stabilise the

All can be achieved without this over complication.

I would say that you do not need the microwave either.

Next somebody will be telling me you have to wear robes to do a gum print.

250,260 who is worried.

Bloom is the standard by which strength of gels is measured. It relates to the
depression of a standard iron ball on a gel to a standard dilution in a standard

The deionised part is to remove the risk of materials becoming contaminated by
trace metals within the gelatine.

I listed suppliers last week.

When I first started this game I saw T.I. Williams, of whom I spoke last week,
give a demonstration of some obscure process.

He said that those of us who indulge in these peculiar processes should be
careful to avoid the danger of allowing them to become clouded in mysteries and
arcane practices.

He gave as an example George Stephenson who kicked a cat on his way to work as a
lad when he made the fundamental improvement to Watt's steam engine. It is said
that he felt the need to do so every time he invented anything after that.

Save the Knox's gelatine for making carbon tissue.
