Stretching and shrinking

06 Mar 96 12:09:39 EST


Good to hear from you again.

Nothing in this world is perfect.

I had all sorts of difficulties when I started. I filled dustbins with expensive
water-colour paper testing for the one which would make a good gum print in
terms of lateral stability and resistance to degradation of the highlights. My
choices were Bockingford and Fabriano 5 NOT. They do the job. There are
sometimes failures, now, with experience, probably one every six months or so
and that more as a result of clumsiness on my part. The six hundred pound
Bockingford reduces the chance of failure even further.

If I am to be reproached for trying to pass on the benefit of that experience,
so be it.

If I am looking for something to be absolutely sharp, as far as grain technology
allows, I'll open a box of Multigrade. With split grades it produces stunning
