Re: DI-13

Keith Schreiber (
Thu, 07 Mar 1996 16:18:43 -0700 (MST)

I have before me the Jan '96 issue of the D-MAX Newsletter from
Darkroom Innovations which features an article by Phil Davis entitled
"DI-13: A Special Low-Contrast Film Developer". Unfortunately there
is nothing about the formula. The article says it works well with
Kodak TMX and Agfa APX for subjects with a brightness range of 8
stops or more. I have tested DI-13 with TMX myself with a step wedge
with the following results for a paper ES (film DR) of 1.5:

Time @ 75F SBR Av G N#
10 min 12.2 0.41 -3
14 min 10.4 0.48 -2
20 min 9.3 0.53 -1.5

This data is for a dilution of 1:5 which may be too weak for most
alt-process work. With the calculations made for a paper ES of 1.8, a
development time of 20 min produces an Av G of 0.52 (SBR=11.4). Lower
development times do not produce sufficient highlight density. A 1:4
or 1:3 dilution may be more suited to our purposes (gum excepted).

Please note I haven't yet used this developer "in the field" so these
comments are provisional.

Keith Schreiber
Rights and Reproductions
Center for Creative Photography
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Fon: 520-621-7968
Fax: 520-621-9444