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Has anyone tried the alternative Foxlee Process for gum bichromate?
Last week I received a french book entitled "la gomme bichromatee" =
translation is obvious) where I found an alternative process for gum
bichromate described by Foxlee. The book contains 4 reprints of articles
that have been written near 1900. This process is only described as an
"alternative" process for gum bichromate in the last chapter of one of
the articles.
Well, the procedure is the following one:
1. Papers must ALWAYS be sized with gelatine, starch or arrow-root =
2. When they are dried, they are soaked for 2 minutes in a solution of
potassium bichromate and then dried again.
3. They are expose.
4. They are developed like usual (water bath, etc.) and then dried.
5. Then they are coated with a solution of Gum, Citric acid, Glycerine =
pigments and dried again.
6. They are soaked in cold water and dried.
Well, the process is quite long but it is written that one of the main
adavantage of this process is that the concentration of pigment in the
gum solution is not strickly limited since the light has not to pass =
a layer containing pigments.
Has anyone tried this process? Judy? Luis?
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