Re: Pyrogallol staining development

John Rudiak (
Fri, 8 Mar 1996 14:58:00 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 8 Mar 1996, MR JOHN A ROSEBOROUGH wrote:

> On 7 March John Rudiak wrote:
> >The JOBO 4X5 sheet film spiral and tank handle pyro very well, >as
> the sheets are kept separated so the back can be stained >evenly.
> The 11X14 and 16X20 sheet film drums also work. Too >bad they don't
> make the same thing for 8X10, that tank doesn't >allow the solution
> to flow over the back.
> I don't post too often to the list but here is my 2 cents.
> I use the JOBO 8x10 tank, the 3000 series, often to process 8x10 B/W
> negs using Pyro for Pt. printing with no problems what so ever. That
> same drum is used for 8x10 E-6 achieving beautiful results. The back
> of the film must receive solutions in order to wash off the
> antihaliation backing.
> And yes - pyro does increase my Pt printing times by about 50% but
> the wait is worth it.
> Thanks for allowing me to share this info.
> John Roseborough
> Platinum Light Studio]
> Fallbrook, CA
John, do you prewet the film before it goes into the tank? I'm not sure
why mine didn't process well when I tried it, I have the same tanks. I'm
going to give it another go- thanks for the input. BTW, what are you
using for rotational speed?
