Re: washing sheet film

John Rudiak (
Thu, 14 Mar 1996 16:58:54 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 15 Mar 1996, Jonathon Russell wrote:

> Is there anyone in the group who has had any experience in washing film
> in a JOBO processor? I have used one for years and tend to take the film
> out of the drum for washing by using s.s. racks and a kostiner film
> washer.
Since the Jobo seems to process film very evenly , it would follow to
assume that it would also wash film efficiently, more so than a stream of
running water. It is the complete changes of washes that is the most
efficient. I would suggest that you set your wash time to include seven
changes of water and feel safe. I do however remove the film from the
reel or tank and give it a final dip in a wetting agent mixed with
distilled water, as my water here in Taos comes from a well and has a
very high mineral content.

